Our crafty-DIY-queen Jordan Sparks shares how to make "unpaper towels" with flannel fabric. These are a great solution to cutting waste. Her sister-in-law got these before the pandemic in an effort to create less waste. Once paper product shortages started happening at local grocery stores, Jordan decided it was a good time to try it out for herself.

how to make your own reusable paper towels out of fabric

Step 1: Cut your flannel into 9.5 inch x 11.5 inch pieces.

Step 2: Surge around the edges.

Step 3: Roll onto existing paper towel roll. Since it’s flannel they’ll stick to one another, so you can store them on your normal paper towel holder!

Wash and reuse!

Reusable paper towels

April 17, 2020 — Britni Bateman

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