Mom Life: Embracing the Beautiful Chaos

Before I became a mother, I thought life was so easy to balance. In fact, I imagined picture perfect Etsy birthday parties, Hallmark movie moments and only one outfit change for the day. But reality hit and all these expectations went out the window. Between spending time with my family and running a business, the definition of perfection has drastically changed! Three years later, I have learned to let go and let God take the lead and trust Him.
Here's a list of the small stuff that I'm no longer sweating:
- I'm so lucky to get my kid dressed and to daycare on time.
- Let him be Superman even if we're just getting milk.
- Sometimes I just have to let him put peanut butter on his nose.
- Picture perfect is a matter of opinion. All of my family photos are perfect because we're together. One of us might be crying....but we're together.
- Tears come unexpectedly. Whether it's from a boo-boo or not sliding down the correct slide.
- Bed head is the hottest hair style for 2016.
- Sometimes brownies really are the answer to all life's problems.
Raising a boy has been a huge adjustment considering I don't have any brothers. So my sister Ashton and I have had the opportunity to learn together. I'm never too old to have a girl's day with my sister, only now we get to include our two boys!
Each day brings its own unexpected challenges...but I cherish each one. And once baby #2 arrives, I might have to remind myself of this list all over again! (Haha!) I hope each mommy out there can embrace the beautiful chaos and find her own definition of perfection!
Lauren Craig
Leah Lerner said:
100% true & totally adorable! Embrace it :) Good luck with baby #2 and enjoy every chaotic day with your babies!
Tammy said:
Love this post! Honest words, beautiful pictures and sound advice! Let Go and Let God! Love you precious Mommas and baby boys too (of course I am a bit partial).