We're Neighbors: Eccentrics Boutique + Your Jeweler

Now that we're getting settled into our new location, we have to introduce you to our neighbor: Your Jeweler! But let us back up...our history with Your Jeweler in Carterville, Illinois, goes way back. This is where Eccentrics Boutique found roots that also gave us wings. Eccentrics Boutique opened in the loft space in Your Jeweler four years ago. After growing from jewelry and gifts to clothing and shoes....I realized that we needed more space! So we packed up and moved across Route 13 into a new building with more space. {Or so I thought.} Eccentrics Boutique just kept growing and growing. Soon we were bursting at the seams and needing a new space all over again! Luckily for us, a whole space opened up next to Your Jeweler. So...we packed up and moved back across route 13. I couldn't ask for a better space for our customers to shop and visit! And it's nice to feel like we're back home near the place where it all started. Now we can call Your Jeweler our neighbors!!

Make sure you stop by both locations the next time you're out shopping in Carterville, Illinois! We look forward to meeting you soon!!
Address: 209 West Commercial Drive, Suite D, Carterville, IL 62918