Baby #3 Update: 2 Months Away & Still No Name

Ladies!! I hit that 32 weeks mark and I've been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy. However, I'm at the point where I feel like I can't breathe. He or she likes to press on my lungs and bladder. So I am constantly running to the bathroom, which makes working an interesting experience.
I've been doing so good eating healthy foods up until my two month mark. And now, baby demands fast food, junk food and all that yummy food I promised to avoid during the new year. Let's be real though...I love my McDonald's hot French fries and large Coke. So this is a good excuse. haha!
I am at the stage where I'm growing out of my maternity clothes. So if you see me in the same Spanx maternity leggings, don't judge! I'm lucky I have enough time to put an outfit together with the other two little ones running around. Dry shampoo is my best friend. Especially when I just have time to throw my hair up in a messy bun before heading out the door.
I don't have a name picked yet. The fact that we don't know if we're having a boy or girl, doesn't help either. So the sky's the limit with the name! We'll see what ends up inspiring us! I am hoping for a cool, unique and edgy name that will fit with his/her siblings: Ledger and Elle.
At the beginning when I found out I was expecting, it felt like forever away. But now we're at crunch time to get things done. My list is still long but I'm tackling it the best that I can. But I already I got an amazing new diaper bag that I'm obsessed with. So stay tuned for my baby must-haves post coming up soon!
Lauren Craig
Lauren Craig
Baby3comingsoon said:
Congrats on baby#3!!!! I’m working on the same haha